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Sunday, July 26, 2015

The 3 Yrekans

Max Bakes, Tyler Larsen and Emily...The 3 Yrekans!

Hola everybody!

The biggest new of this week is that Hermana Wynne was officially sent home. Her leukemia is back, and she is home and has already started chemo. She sent me a couple pictures and an email/DearElder, and she seems really upbeat. She is amazing, and I am so lucky to have had her as my companion for the last 3 weeks. I am absolutely convinced that we were called to serve together in the MTC. I learned a lot from her, especially about being patient through trials. Seriously her attitude through all this has been incredible. 
However, this does mean that I'm in a trio for realsies now. Yaaaay... It's really not that bad, it just feels like I'm always waiting for someone, or like we have an entire parade when one of us has to pee. It's been a growing experience for me because I have to have more patience than I have ever had before, in everything! Especially when we teach I find myself getting frustrated because it's hard to keep three Hermanas learning Spanish and an investigator on track. I have always been blessed with an ability to teach (sooooo thankful for that!) and the longer I'm here and especially in a trio the more I realize that it's a relatively unique gift... I love it. I love Spanish. This week has been a turning point for our district. All of a sudden it's really clicking. We are trying to "speak our language" or "HSI" more and more. Only one more P-day in the CCM! As of this week we are the oldest district in our zone. Crazy.

Our teachers are awesome as always. Hermana Tuft and us Hermanas had a discussion this week on how extravagant living and focus on material things is poison for the soul. It's especially a thing here in Utah. She is an incredible role model to me. 

Hermano Draut gave us an excellent lesson last night on asking questions; it's kind of been the theme for the week. But he brought up a fascinating point. He said, "why do you think Joseph Smith was the one chosen to see God and Christ? Don't you think someone else asked the same question?" He continued to explain that during apostasy, people choose to not look for the truth, some tried to reform it, but did anyone really ask which church really was true? His theory, backed by some authorities, is that Joseph received the First Vision simply because he was the first to sincerely ask. When he did ask, God answered his only question by saying "none of them." Joseph didn't receive further instruction until 3 years later when he asked for it. Moroni answered immediately. Isn't that a crazy thought?! What blessings does God have for us that we just need to ask for? When we study we need to have questions in mind, and that takes a lot of humility. I thought that that might be an answer to your Sunday observance question Momma, maybe have a family focus or question for the day and see who can find an answer. Just an idea.

To wrap up I just want to talk for a second about how people influence our lives. There are so many things that I have learned from the people around me at the MTC. Hermana Wynne's courage and faith, Elder Jeffrey's (seriously he reminds me of a taller, blonder, more talkative Ryan) humility and diligence, Elder Price's patience, President Monson's service, Hermana Tuft's wisdom and testimony, Hermano Draut's energy and passion, seriously there is something from every person I've met. Even negative attitudes have helped me learn. Never pass up the opportunity to talk to someone because you will always learn something if you have the right attitude. 
Have so much fun at the reunion, send me pictures!
Con mucho amor,

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